Completion Date:

On Going

No. of Units:

3 Houses


FBB Architects

Service provided:

  • Site Layout Engineering
  • Level Design
  • Drainage Design
  • External Works
  • Cut & Fill Analysis
  • S106/S104 Agreements
  • S38 Agreement
  • Conveyancing Plans
  • Site Clearance Plan
  • Foundation Design
  • Super structure Design
  • Retaining Wall Designs

Construction Cost:



Bellway Homes LTD



Project Manager/Lead Engineer:

Ali Ahmed

ATCN is providing expert knowledge and expertise in undertaking both civil and structural design service for a 70 unit development for Bellway Homes in Midhurst. The development requires careful consideration of key constraints, such as large areas of tree root protection, ground contamination and steep overall topography. The Local Highway Authority is West Sussex County Council, with whom a Section 38 Agreement is to be engaged with. The scheme also has planning conditions for Water Neutrality and so Rainwater Harvesting Systems are to be used for every plot. ATCN are engaging with leading manufactures to select the best solution for the development.