Completion Date:

Ongoing -June 2025

No. of Units:



Picardy Design

Service provided:

  • Residential development
  • Site civil engineering
  • Drainage Design

Construction Cost:



Bellway Homes



Project Manager/Lead Engineer:

Ali Abbas Ahmed

ATCN were commissioned by Bellway Homes to undertake the Residential and civil engineering for the development of 107 units. ATCN is proud to work on this project. This is a huge project and required a great attention to detail. ATCN used its resources efficiently and effectively and delivered the project timely and within the time constraints provided by the respective client.

ATCN provided a detailed engineering site layout, detailed level design, cut and fill analysis, detailed drainage design (including swales, attenuation tank, rain gardens) , S106 & S104 applications, detailed external work design plan, detailed setting out design, detailed temporary sales area design, detailed Site Compound design, surface water management plan, conveyance Plans etc.